UM Software Engineering Techno-Learning Module



30 March 2019

The 'Tekno-Belajar' Module is a concise and compact module to help students achieve academic excellence by using today's technology and solutions. In addition, it is expected to help to improve the learning style of the students more effectively and efficiently. This module will also provide exposure to identity security while in cyberspace. Hence, we, students of Universiti Malaya from Software Engineering Department, visited SK Bangsar with a hope to implement i-Learn software in UPSR students' learning process.

Marvellous, understanding, and simply the best team I was gotten myself into

Long story short, Software Engineering students were divided into several groups and ultimately everyone from each group was assigned to a kid to monitor his/her academic progress and to have conversations with their parents regarding their achievements and progression as their "nightmare", UPSR, is just around the corner.


2.1 Comprehensive talent development includes knowledge, skills and attitudes
2.2 Demonstrate the importance of social networking
2.3 Working in groups and with the community
2.4 Demonstrate good communication skills with the community


The underlying principles for this section are to critically evaluate my professional development in a practice placement setting and record reflections for future learning. Within this essay, I will include my reflections on the social work process of assessment, planning, intervention and review, and will critically analyse what I feel was successful and unsuccessful in each process, with efforts to identify what could be changed to enhance future practice. Throughout my assignment I will strive to portray my learning journey from the beginning to the end of my placement and conclude with future learning needs, to enhance my practice as a social worker. 

Ice breaking session with my assigned kid

Truth to be told, primary school kids can be really a handful and I believe I do not have the knack to handle kids of this age. Before the commencement of this module, I had limited understanding of the kid I was assigned to. I was excited about the prospect of the experience I would gain having undertaken this job as a social service, but I was also anxious about identifying the social work role within such a specific placement. “I feel nervous and uncomfortable. I’m finding this role intimidating being surrounded by small kids who are just 12. 

5 April 2019

My team members and I gathered in our faculty and move sharply at 8 a.m. because we were told by Madam Nazean to be at school before 8.30 am. Before we move, we once again checked all the things are prepared especially breakfast and sweets for children. As the school is not too far from University Malaya, we reached there within 10 minutes. All of us prepared a paper written the students' name on it to identify them easily.

At 9 am, one of the teachers from SK Bangsar, Madam Maziah gathered the students in a place and separated them according to the respective groups. We had 12 students in our groups. Each of us had a student to take care personally. Mine was Muhammad Danish Izzuddin from 6 Nilam.

With Haiqal

Students are having breakfast
We instructed the students that each of them have to come up with their own cheers. We made the students stand in a circle. The first student must do the cheers while telling his/her name. Then, the second student must do the cheers of the first student while saying the first student name. This continues with the rule that the particular student has to know all the cheers the students did and their names. Even though it seems it isn't fair for the last student, this activity helps students to create a strong bonding and most importantly the fellow mates name. 

After that, the students were sent to their respective caretaker. Students asked their caretaker many questions about the personal information of the caretaker such as name, age and etc. This activity helps students get closer to their caretaker and get to know about them.

A kid is asking about the team leader's biodata
Later we gave them 5 minutes break and then continue playing the next game, charades. It was fun to see the children tried to act to make their friends get the answer correctly. Mostly they successfully guessed the word correctly. 

Trying to imitate an object/animal

After the game ended, now it was time to get serious. We were supposed to teach the children how to use clearance but due to the shortage of computers in the school, some of the groups have to wait until others finish. So, we decided to swap the slot with a slot that must be carried out after lunch. As our madam said, we asked the students multiplication tables from 2 to 12 (basic for primary school students). Surprisingly, we get to know most of them haven't still memorised the multiplication tables. Thus, we taught them how to memorise the tables and made sure at least they can say up to 7 or 8. 

Students are memorising multiplication tables
Now it was time to have lunch. Food committee already prepared the food for the students. At sharp 12.30 pm, we brought the students to the canteen and gave them food. After lunch, students went for prayers. 

Later at 2 pm, we gathered the students are brought them to the computer lab to teach them how to use ilearnace. ilearnace is an educational portal to primary school students which greatly helps the students to ace in their studies. It mainly focuses on 4 major subjects such as Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mathematics and Science. Nevertheless, it also has a point system and each time the students get high marks points will be added and later it can be used for games. Interesting right!!

Teaching a student how to use the ilearnace
It was almost 5p.m. and it was time to go back. We gathered the students again at the school hall. We made sure all the students were there. Later, we waited patiently and sent all the students to their parents or buses. Finally, my teammates and I went back to University Malaya with the spirit to go back to the school the next day.

12 April 2019

Sharp at 9am, my friends and I was waiting at the faculty and carpooled and moved to SK Bangsar. We made sure all the foods fro children were prepared before we left. Once we reached the school we again met the children and immediately brought them to their school computer lab to carry on with their ilearnace. At the same time, we gave us breakfast to them and boost their energy. As we already taught the children how to use the ilearnace, we were just waiting for them to ask any questions regarding the ilearnace. Thankfully, all the children understood how to use ilearnace. Each caretaker of the children made sure their child doing well and obtaining a good result. We even taught our children with the questions they answered wrongly.
After 2 hours, we finally have done with the ilearnace. Before the children leaving the lab, we made sure all of them remember their id and password to login into ilearnace and attempt the questions anytime in their school or house.

We brought the children to their school hall and we were ready to start to planned for the children to play games. As the appreciation for doing the ilearnace successfully, we actually let the children play some games.

First and foremost, we carried out a musical chair for the children. They played the game repeatedly a few more times.
girls playing musical chair

Boys playing musical chair
After the game, we brought the children to canteen again like the first day and gave them food for their lunch. Later, children went for prayers.

After lunch and prayers, we brought the children to a classroom and gave them a fun multiplication quiz. We separated boys and girls and give points for every correct answer. It was fun looking at the children competing to get the correct answer fastly.

After the session, we again carried out a game for the children. The name of the game is Queen, Hunter and Tiger. The game has a similar concept like scissor, paper and stone where one element loses and win to another.

Queen vs Hunter = Queen wins
Hunter vs Tiger = Hunter wins
Tiger vs Queen = Tiger wins

Each of the characters has a specific action to be done in order to find out the character.

We divided them into 2 groups consist of boys and girls and started the game. At first, it seems they were having difficulty understanding the game but sooner they easily got this game after a few rounds and trials. They enjoyed playing this game until they didn't stop even the time passed 4pm.

Students playing game
Reached the final session of the day. We took photos together with the children. We also gave them souvenirs. And finally said GOODBYE.

- The end for now -

26 April 2019

This new exposure and teaching helped me in exploring my weaknesses and my great strength.

·  My Strengths
1. I had the determination to each what my student didn't understand and learn from this new experience. Besides, I  was adamant to make my student show some progress in his education before the UPSR examination.
2.  I was discipline before my students. During all the activities, I reduced the time I spent on my phone to create the best example for my students. I focused only on the outcome of the activities and ensured my student gets something valuable from each of the activities.
3.  I showed the characteristic of dedication. To prove this statement, I carried all my responsibilities correctly, especially, as a Food Incharge. and my other friends planned wisely for the food and made sure that everyone in our team, including students, gets their food.

· My Weaknesses
1. I am an introvert. At some point, I found hard to communicate with my friends as I am not a social person. But, I tried my best to communicate with the students, and I don't think I showed them my weakness.
2. Teamwork with my teammates. Most of the time, I played my role individually. But, my teammates didn't leave me behind for any tasks, as they kept be updated at all times.
I learned all my strengths and weaknesses during the activities. When I spent my time with my teammates and the students, but I learned to keep my strengths and avoid my weaknesses. For instance, I tried to socialize with my friends by asking them what are we going to do for the next slot and made myself involved during discussions by giving suggestions for games.

Besides, I think I need to overcome my weaknesses, especially the tendency to work alone. Because in the IT field teamwork is an essential part for an employee as they had to spend more time developing projects with their team. From now on, I will be involved in many activities that will build my teamwork with others and attempt to communicate with others despite me being shy.

                       3 May 2019                     

I am watching my students via email and I frequently check his ilearnace in order to make sure he his doing his homework using the portal. At first, his marks were quite low and he gets low marks in mathematics and science. Thus, I have to let him know to do more exercises in these two subjects. Here is the progress in his ilearnace.


23rd March 2019
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 30 mark(s) in 4.57 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 60 mark(s) in 4.93 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 50 mark(s) in 3.65 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 30 mark(s) in 9.45 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 30 mark(s) in 3.87 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 30 mark(s) in 4.27 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 20 mark(s) in 3.18 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 50 mark(s) in 6.37 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 60 mark(s) in 6.87 minute(s)

24th March 2019

Bahasa Melayu - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 30 mark(s) in 3.73 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 80 mark(s) in 5 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 40 mark(s) in 3.43 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 40 mark(s) in 1.87 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 50 mark(s) in 4.15 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 40 mark(s) in 6.27 minute(s)
Sains - Muhammad Haiqal Sallah has scored 60 mark(s) in 3.1 minute(s).

As of these results, my assigned kid is inclined to work more on his Science than any other subjects.

10 May 2019

As far as I can see, my assigned kid is not even bothered to focus on other subjects as he does on Science. Science could be his forte but other subjects like English, Bahasa Melayu and Mathematics are equally important. Here is the progress of his work.



- Quite disappointing - 

Not having frequent or not access at all to the Internet is the main reason for my assigned kid to not trying the assessments. He cannot be blamed since he is beyond his scope to worry about.

27 May 2019

It is so fun spending an hour almost every week for my blog. As for the final progress of my assigned kid's of Science, here you go:

I can assure that my kid can obtain an A for Science in UPSR

I would like to take this opportunity, to thank everyone who spends your precious on reading my blog. Although my primary reason for doing this blog was to ace my Social Engagement subject, later on, I realised it is so fun monitoring a student and playing a bigger part in his studies.

Before I post the student progress, I would like to wish good luck in his Year 6 examination and more importantly on his life. GOOD LUCK MY DEAR BRO!

 Signing off from Prasanth😢😢


